As many rounds possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Bodyweight Squats
Post number of rounds to comments.
Tabata Something Else
push-ups: 18,17,14,15,13,13,12,12
total score = 448
tabata score = 51
last (7.11.09):
total score = 461
tabata score = 51
Maintained the tabata score - but seriously lost some reps - on sit-ups of all things! And just 1 or 2 on the push-ups and squats. Pull-ups increased by 5!
Just wasn't feeling this one today. Was able to do it outside in the Old Shed and it was quite mild for so early in the AM.
Until next time...
Posted by: J9 | 11/10/2009 at 03:04 AM
Nice work with the run!
Posted by: J9 | 11/10/2009 at 03:05 AM
Hey all. Today has to be a rest day for me. The cough got worse and I need to rest to try to recover from it instead of making it worse. I did not rest yesterday and ran the 5K not to smart. You call take care of yourselves. Stay healthy.
Posted by: Another Todd | 11/10/2009 at 07:45 AM
Morning! Ran 5k last night, PR'd at 24:15. My clients happen to run it this morning, my dad, who's 54, ran it in 27:20! I'm so proud of him! Now if I could only get him not to bend his elbows during cleans...
Not sure if I'll get to Cindy tonight, but I'm going to try.
Trainers question: how do you scale or do progressions for l-pullups for athletes who don't have a deadhang or a kip yet? It's on the board tomorrow, and I'm not sure what to have them do. I tried a band under the butt, but that doesn't seem to work too well.
Posted by: Gene | 11/10/2009 at 08:09 AM
"Cindy" as Rx'd
19+5+7 (one round short of PR)
Posted by: Playoff Beard | 11/10/2009 at 08:23 AM
J9 - You rocked that workout. Defiantly one of the hardest for me.
PB - Awesome job on Cindy. I don't know many people that can do 20 rounds. Good job.
Gene - I depressed today. We did the CrossFit Total and after setting a PR back squat of 335#, I only did 150# on the press (PR is 155#) and then I ended up settling for 325# on the dead lift (PR is 400#). I tried so hard with 410#, then 405#, then 400#, I was almost crying then stuck on 335# just to leave. I haven't felt this down in a long time. Is there something wrong with me? It's just picking up weight.
I was also down because I saw that someone else did more rounds on an AMRAP yesterday: 20 min of 12 butterfly ab-mat sit ups, 1.5 pood kb swings, 8 pvc OH squats. I did 17 rounds and I saw someone in the afternoon did 18. As I was leaving today I found out that person was using a 26# kb.
Anyway, I just had to vent. I am not superman everyone, but sometimes I like to think I am. I want to push myself, but I don't know when to let up. I think I havn't recovered from Diane and the DL suffered due to that.
Cookie - I look forward to meeting Cori. It looks like Friday would work out for us. I wanted to do a WOD with both of you guys. If not, a WOD with Herm would be cool. Let me know what would be best for you guys? I will be calling at some point in the next couple of days.
Rest day tomorrow and I need it. I need to clear my mind. I will try not to think speak or do anything CrossFit tomorrow. I am truly obsessed and I need to tone it down a little.
Posted by: Corey Bibolet | 11/10/2009 at 10:32 AM
Jesus, that dude in the picture yesterday was ugly as Hell!
Corey. Rest.
Everyone else, hello, hope everyone is doing well.
Posted by: Goat | 11/10/2009 at 11:27 AM
Wow you guys are posting intense numbers. Gene congrats on 5K PR. J9 I can only dream of numbers that good. Corey I think it's funny you are disappointed in the huge weights you are lifting. It's all relative though isn't it. If it's not your best then you question youself.
Gene I worked the L-sit progression separately -- could you have them just do two different things, one for the pullup and one for the L-sit. I don't remember ever seeing progressions for both pullups and L-hold together.
I've been waiting for my lower back to feel better -- wondering if it is illness related because a lot of people at work are having back pain too. Can a virus do that? I really have no reason for back pain that I can think of. It's not like I was deadlifting one day and back pain the next.
Today is the day I am back to WODs again. Feeling strong and well, and I wish the same for everyone else.
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/10/2009 at 12:35 PM
Goat- so that's why you're late to my dr's appt, huh? Posting again, eh?
I'm at kidney drs right now. Hope to get some answers as to why I'm not completely better. I don't know if I mentioned that the last visit he was not supportive of paleo and crossfit so I am nervous. Report back to you later with results :) love you all
Posted by: Strong Lil Pony! | 11/10/2009 at 12:41 PM
Corey, calling a day in which you PR on a back squat the worst CF day ever...that tells me you're doing okay.
Atodd, both you and my Patty are sick. Take care of yourselves!
Paul C, for L-pull-up scaling: you can do jumping pull-ups, then follow it with the same number of hanging knee-to-elbows.
PB&J... 19+ is legit! SOSOSO CLOSE to 20!
Was nervous all day about doing this workout, knowing squats were going to slow me down.
Warm-up: PVC Shoulder dislocates, foam roller on hips, 1000m row. WOD: "Cindy": As many rounds possible in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups: Chest-to-Bar w/180 degree shoulder flexion at the hang (kipping)
10 Push-ups: Chest-to-Deck w/ full elbow lockout at the top
15 BW Squats: Ass-to-Ankles, w/180 degrees at the hip and knees
15 rounds + 5 pull-ups + 10 push-ups + 4 BW squats in 20 min
Finished up 20 rounds at 28:30.
Chest-to-Bar Pull-up is the new standard for my pull-ups. Now that I can do them, this was the first of many workouts that I will use them in. Hip was bothersome throughout, so movements were controlled, including the transitions between exercises. Felt very good to do the squats after yesterday's overhead squat episode!
Foam roll for 10 minutes after.
Posted by: Herm | 11/10/2009 at 04:31 PM
Wow I just looked at my last 5K time on the main site and i cut a minute off of it yesterday while sick. Not to shabby.
Lil Pony any news from the Dr?
Posted by: Another Todd | 11/10/2009 at 04:35 PM
Glad to see someone out there gets as obsessed as me with stats aiming to be super fast or super strong. I can't help it - you are not the only one!
Real quick-thoughts on a female weight sub for Mr. Joshua 250# deadlift (5 rounds, 15 reps)?
I also did a bit of a baking marathon tonight...
Pokey's larabar (still coming out like a trail mix) recipe. Still so good, but I think I overdid the serving I scooped into a bowl. And the baked veggie fritters.
Nice job on Cindy to those that posted!
Posted by: J9 | 11/10/2009 at 06:44 PM
Nice job honey!!! J9 - ridiculously amazing woman!PB - next time just mentally hear US screamin "GO JER GO!!!" and you'll get that PR!! See, didnt take long for your metcons to come back :) Gene - high five on the PR buddy!!! A-Todd - REST!!! I dont have a fever, just a cold i suppose so Im gonna muscle through. Corey you are so inspiring. Your heart and passion for all you do is amazing!!! Remember that and reflect on that - we cant always PR or have awesome wods but we CAN support and INSPIRE even on our worst days :) (note to self- take my own advice!!)
Pony - waiting for news!!! Stpehn, Franiel, Xtina, Paul - where yat? Rebe, Jakers, Kathleen, JJ, Goat??
So.... we were to do a 5k run today. Foot is still to sore to run. Coach tells me the sub is a 6k row. I think that's BS and maybe im wrong, but I just do it anyhow. so... 6k row 30:02. I had to puase and wipe my nose a few hundred times but it was okay. Farthest Ive ever rowed.
Posted by: | 11/10/2009 at 06:51 PM
10 weeks ago I did my first Cindy: 8 rounds + 5 pullups + 3 pushups. All but 5 pullups were jumping.
Today: 10 rounds even, no assisted pullups! So in 10 weeks I went from 5 pullups to 50, at the same body weight. The weight might be the same, but the body sure isn't.
I have this slowly improving snack bag I bring to work every day. Now it has pecans, almonds, sunflower seeds, unsweetened coconut, and a few raisins. That tastes almost as good as a candy bar now.
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/10/2009 at 07:51 PM
Oh yeah, and thanks to Herm and Todd talking about form all the time, I made sure and get full ROM on everything, and extra deep squats. Thanks guys, I have no doubt every rep was legit.
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/10/2009 at 07:54 PM
heck yeah, pr's, progress all over - I'd say even Corey's decision to rest tomorrow is good.
Paul - that's legit - legit pullup improvement and legit snack mix - sound amazing.
Patty - 6K! that's a HAUL - and I'd say you did it pretty fast - shoot, yeah, that's great- averaged 500 every 2:30 - fantastic - you won't be able to do a pullup for a week!
Herm: nice work man! - chest-tob-bar is a high standard (no pun intended)
Pokey-what is your real name, I can't call you Pokey anymore man - you're achieving monster status rapidly.
PB - SWEET job - how are you feeling several weeks back into it? How's the fam?
Kathleen, Jenn, X-tina, Goat, Franiel, haven't heard much in a while.
Bryar: when do you leave?
Pony: I've prayed for you several times today - praying for complete healing!
J9: your performance stats are truly amazing
ATodd - water, fruit, chicken, sleep (and maybe some almond butter with cinnamon, definitely some of that)
Gene: sweet PR and also with your clients!
Corey: your achievement are extraordinary - ENJOY your rest day tomorrow and kick back, watch TV or a movie, whatever you feel like.
Today was a sucky day for me - here's my post from the mainsite for Cindy:
Guess there's a reason for 3 on / 1 OFF - today was day 5 for me - I did an 8-10-12 rep scheme - didn't have energy, was getting winded, and didn't push a whole lot - maybe 14 rounds + or - one or two?
Finally, I got called by Newport News today - they scheduled my polygraph for Thursday morning. This is basically the final step - then they have to hand pick the 10 they will hire. I'm guessing I'll hear by next week the final verdict. Please pray that my spondylolisthesis won't come up or be a problem when I go for a medical if I get selected. I haven't seen a doctor in a year, so hopefully that will help.
Oh, and I really will shut up now - me and a buddy are hiking The Priest on the Appalachian Trail Friday through Sunday - we'll climb on Friday or Saturday - it's a 4-mile trail with 3100 feet of elevation gain - should be fun - we'll camp in an open-air shelter at the top. Menu will include lots of homeade beef jerky that he's making, steak, chicken, apples, dried unsweetened fruit, brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, coffee and probably some oatmeal and some chocolate
Posted by: | 11/10/2009 at 08:24 PM