Pictured: Thanks to Patty for sending this picture to me. Please thank a Veteran today. We all owe them a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.
Pictured: Patty's fridge. :)
What paleo foods are stocked in your house? Name 10 things that are in your fridge, cabinets, or pantry which you eat on a daily basis!
Post Veteran's day thoughts and quiz answer to comments.
Huge long post on Tuesday's page - cool pic, Herm and Patty:
10 things: almond butter, apples, raisins, eggs, frozen veggies, boneless skinless chicken breasts, bananas, almonds, somtimes fish, somtimes avacadoes, sometimes carrots, somtimes pears.
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=628153884 | 11/10/2009 at 08:59 PM
sea salt
fish oil
Wow, I don't stock very much, do I?
Posted by: Herm | 11/10/2009 at 09:02 PM
Stephen, good luck with the medical exam bro!!! :)
Posted by: Herm | 11/10/2009 at 09:03 PM
Talk about exposing yourself..... there is the ugly truth of my fridge!! Not too bad I guess. Interesting how much its changed though. You can tell what's mine and what the girls still have.
Okay since ya'll can see my fridge contents, i will go to the pantry....
coconut oil
italian seasoning
sea salt
almond meal
I finally found a decent size jar of coconut oil and gladly paid the $18 for it. Oh well. Quality food.
Jenn i thought of you.... got a new flavor Larabar... was so stoked about choclate mint - BARF!!! It tasted worse than cold medicine!!! NOT A FAN!!!
Remembering all the vets out there... thank you does not seem adequate.
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1362076940 | 11/10/2009 at 10:11 PM
Celebrating Veteran's Day with a hero WOD
5 rounds 85#
12 dead
9 hang power clean
6 push jerk
Almond butter
Almond meal
Ground turkey
Baby spinach
Coconut milk
Posted by: J9 | 11/11/2009 at 02:40 AM
J9, I was thinking about "DT" from the video CF.com posted a few days ago. You did it really fast! I'm 100% sure you should have done it with at least 95#.
I have always wanted to try that WOD, but I will have to wait until I can safely do cleans and snatches.
This week, I have been experimenting with very low carb (less than 50 grams/day) on weekdays and no more than 2 meals per day. Someone on Robb Wolf's blog did this and noticed a huge surge in performance I think in the 3rd or 4th week.
I did my first day on Sunday, after a small cheat at CF Moxie's grand opening. I must say that I'm sleeping well and have good energy so far, but I think during Cindy yesterday my muscles felt like they were straining a little extra.
My standard breakfast remains to be 6 whole eggs, 1-2 cups spinach, and an avocado, while the 2nd meal is either a whole chicken (usually precooked from Safeway) or a 1 1/2 - 2 pound steak, with a side of broccoli or carrots.
Posted by: Herm | 11/11/2009 at 05:10 AM
Yesterday, went to the $10 globo, and did this:
Back Squat, 3x5: 190#
Press, 3x5: 100#
Deadlift, 1x5: 275#
These numbers are really down from what they once were. I shouldn't have neglected my strength training so much.
Then, I ran the 5k. 30:19, which doesn't sound like much but is actually a p.r. for me.
Herm, interesting experiment, but it kinda made me chuckle. 50g of carb is a high-carb day for me. Yesterday's intake:
4 scrambled eggs
1/2 lb ham
1/2 pint mushrooms
4 harboiled eggs
1 apple
(2) 5oz turkey burgers
Those of you who have been here a while will probably notice that my intake has dropped. I am not remodeling a house everyday, and I guess I am therefor less physically active. While I was at the level 1 cert, and the kettlebell cert, I was eating even more than usual.
Posted by: Goat | 11/11/2009 at 05:43 AM
Corey-your strength amazes me. Your PR was awesome. Don't forget the extra energy used on that may draw from your energy on the other lifts.
J9- you simply ROCK
Pony-hope the test results show improvement
Stephen-if you've never taken a polygraph before -they suck. Just remember to be honest. You may have some things behind you that you are not proud of but let them out. From listening to you on this forum you are obviously a good person. Most everyone has a skeleton or two in their closet the poly is used to make sure the skeleton isn't murder etc. If you try to hide that you shoplifted when you were 15 years old it will show you are being dishonest and that's not a good thing. Good luck and congrats on making it to this point !
I didn't post here yesterday, got busy at work. Following Herm's, Corey's and Atodd's example I am paying much more attention to form. Will video tape more often as well, despite my wife laughing at me.
Anyway, Cindy yesterday was 21 complete rounds. I felt a good pace through it all. and found my body at round 15 was ready to kick it into second gear. That's a PR. My previous was 20 +5+10 but I'm sure my form last time wasn't what it was yesterday. I can't get chest to bar on pullups due to ceiling limitations but it goes to my neck. Otherwise all my movements were the same as what Herm described.
eggs, chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, green pepper, onions, tomato sauce, moose steak, moose sausage, moose stew, moose burger, homemade lara bars
almonds, raisins, apples, pecans, dates, sesame seeds, coconut
evoo, coconut oil, tomato sauce, tomato paste, almond meal
Posted by: Pokey | 11/11/2009 at 06:35 AM
For those interested in the article Herm is referring to about MatLalonde and low carb Paleo, here is the link
Posted by: Cookie | 11/11/2009 at 07:57 AM
Stephen- huge congratulations on making it to the next step. You've been in my thoughts as I hope you get your dream.
Pony-what is up? What else did the doctor say?
As for my kitchen-meat, chicken, frozen veggies, EVOO, lots of spices, fresh garlic & onions. Not a lot. But I have gotten in the habit of buying fresh fruit & veggies on the day I get home and then before I leave for a trip. Also starting to buy frozen & canned fruits. Canned fruit is easier to carry. And cheaper at this point.
I didn't understand how y'all were able to afford to eat so much almond butter til I hit TJs in St Louis. A jar of AB at the only store in Denver is $10 while at TJs it's $5. Couldn't stock up cuz I couldn't carry it.
In yesterday's AM XF class we worked on the clean & press. Then we did 7 rds for time of 10 c&p & 10 burpees. The day before my shoulder popped & hurt so I stuck with the lowly PVC pipe. And by the 2nd rd my hip hurt so coach had me do BW squats. I gave up caring abt my time and just focused on form. Very sad.
Posted by: Jenn | 11/11/2009 at 07:58 AM
Has anyone dealt with achilles issues before?
My left achilles started feeling weird yesterday and today it is just not feeling right. I ran ~ 2 miles yesterday after my tabata and nothing felt off. Just later in day and into today, I am feeling some pain.
Just may have to hold off on Thursday's rest day running and the Filthy on Friday, as I don't think any kind of bounding is going to be smart.
This is going to be the slow death of me if it will keep me from doing all those fun things.
Let me know your thoughts...
I didn't want to fall into the modified column for DT, but will try increasing to atleast 95# next time. Just not there yet.
Posted by: J9 | 11/11/2009 at 08:07 AM
OUCH!!!! J9 & Jenn - feel better.
Jenn - The amount of $$$ Herm&i spend on food is ridiculous, but Im learning to shop for bargains - famrers markets, Fresh&Easy etc. Us combined on a daily basis will be INSANE. I end up at 4-5 different places a week to shop for food, but its worth it.
Posted by: Cookie | 11/11/2009 at 08:22 AM
I've had an achilles issue with my right one off and on for about 20 years due to a pretty severe strain when I was 18. Once in a while it will act up, then get better within a day or two. I just don't exercise on it for the day or two. Stretching doesn't really help, it's just cranky.
On a random side note, my niece is in the final 4 in a Miley Cyrus singing contest. Here's an article and video clip from my home town newspaper.
Foods: mushrooms, green onions, romaine lettuce, spinich, green peppers, carrots, eggs, various non-moose meats, sunbutter, almond butter.
When I worked out the cost-per-calorie of almonds it was actually cheaper than junk food. I get them for $3.89 per 1 pound bag, which is about 2500 calories. I used to pay a lot more than that for 2500 calories of Doritos or frozen pizza.
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/11/2009 at 08:50 AM
Just noticed that link I posted isn't working now. It's a small town newspaper :)
Herm what is your body weight. You are putting down so much more food than me, I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough.
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/11/2009 at 09:13 AM
Daily foods for PB:
hard boiled eggs
red grapes
fish oil
bell peppers
any meat I can find
bagel (yeah, yeah, I know already!)
Ok, that was 11 but I included the bagel. See how honest I am? :-)
Posted by: Playoff Beard | 11/11/2009 at 09:50 AM
Posting for Stephen:
“ I forgot about my dark chocolate – 60% to 90% cacao content, prefer the darker but it’s more expensive. Thanks for the tips Pokey. I had plantar fasciitis (wrong spelling?) once – had to rest from running, still used the elliptical). Finally went away with prayer, rest, and a set of arch supports. One of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. Probably no post tonight due to church community group. Have a great day and God bless all…. Stephen”
Posted by: Playoff Beard | 11/11/2009 at 10:21 AM
I did a 1.5 mile run for time at the local high school track. It's part of my department's annual physical. I did it in 9:54. I haven't seen sub ten since I got out of the academy (1990 for those of you who want to know). So, yeah, CF and Paleo ROOOOOOCCCCCKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!
The annual physical is pretty weak. We only have to pass by being in the 40th percentile. My department gives us incentives to do better. But the bottom level is so low most everyone gets the max incentive which is 40 hours of time off.
The other parts of the physical are max pushups (no time limit), max situps in one minute, and a sit and reach. I don't remember the minimum numbers but they are age and gender based.
Posted by: Pokey | 11/11/2009 at 03:17 PM
So two workouts skipped. It is killing me. I am still very much addicted to the working out and I hate to rest even though I know it makes sense. Tomorrow I am back in it. The cough is almost cleared (enough for me to hit it again tomorrow anyway) Food I always have Spinach, nuts(mixed) chicken, hamburger, bananas, apples, almond butter (I did run out it was awful) and eggs. I eat a lot of eggs so I hope the research is true that its is ok for us.
Posted by: Another Todd | 11/11/2009 at 04:26 PM
Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, apples, oranges, kiwis, lettuce, eggs, evoo, steak, chicken, pork chops, bacon, ahi tuna, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, banana, frozen strawberries, cans of tuna... I think that's ten.
Nice work pokey, I agree you need a new nickname!
Missed Cindy, she'll be back.
No sugar for 11 days, cravings are starting to diminish! I'm heading to a gourmet charity dinner event where I will cheat my ass off! I've been very good/strict so I deserve it!
Posted by: Gene | 11/11/2009 at 04:57 PM
Too funny...
Moose steak
Moose sausage
Moose stew
Moose burgers...
Then the various non-moose meat comment from Paul
It is pretty aweful when you run out of almond butter, right?
Nice row 6K the other day. Just thinking about a 5K row brings tears to my eyes. Too long a distance to be sitting on that thing! But it does remain one of the few WODs that brings me down to the ground, flat on my back after I am finally done.
Posted by: J9 | 11/11/2009 at 06:20 PM
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been in a funk and like Cookie said, just didn't want to be bad company. It always seems that everything happens at once. CF seems to be the only constant right now. I have still been doing the WODS but my heart and mind just haven't been into it. I went for a long run today.....just to clear my mind. I hate even feeling this way, because there are so many people so much worse off.
I hope all of you are doing well.
Posted by: Xtina | 11/11/2009 at 06:31 PM
Made up the 5K today. 29:15, over 3 min slower than PR. I can't bring myself to push hard in cold air yet. It was only 34 degrees. At the end of March I'll think 34 is tropical, but today it felt like a punch in the lungs.
The posted picture is a powerful image. Any info on who the soldiers are in the photo?
The link I posted earlier is working again, if anyone wants to check out my niece and her fascinating and unusual story. Her stepdad introduced me to CrossFit!
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/11/2009 at 08:02 PM
Pokey, sub 10 is LEGIT! I can hardly believe the "Sit and Reach" test is still in existence. I think I would refuse to do that part of the test. What a friggin joke.
Paul, I do not know the names of the two heroes pictured. I want to hug them both.
Atodd, hang in there man. You'll heal faster and you'll be back to the WODs in no time. Just remember, you'll be doing Olympic Lifts well before I will be!
Paul C... my bodyweight fluctuates between 190 and 195. I'm 5'9 1/2.
Honey, thanks for the robb wolf link. I have to read that again. :)
Posted by: Herm | 11/11/2009 at 08:44 PM