Pictured: Kara Yessie stands up out of a 103 kg (227 #) Clean and Jerk attempt at the Bad Girl Open, at my Gym (FIT)
Find your Clean and Jerk 1 rep max!
Use video to analyze your technique. Be aware of what your hips, feet, shoulders, and elbows are doing during each phase of the lift. Be very critical and honest. This will serve to make you better.
Then do 5 sets of 3 of which ever you need the most work on:
Front Squat @ 90% of C&J 1 rep max if you are having trouble standing up out of a clean
Hang Squat Clean @ 70% of C&J 1 rep max if you have trouble getting to full extension
Jerks from the Rack @ 80% of C&J 1 rep max if you press-out or fail C&J due to a weak jerk
Post C&J load attempts, successes, and failures, reasons why you failed, which supplemental lift you chose and why you chose it to comments.
After you're done working out, check this video out if you have 90 minutes to kill:
Rest day skills practice:
Rowing sprints and weighted pull-ups
27.5# - new PR on weighted pull-ups. Only 1 1/2 of them.
Have a super day!
Posted by: J9 | 11/12/2009 at 02:42 AM
Good morning folks. Back to work and working out today. Two days of rest I am ready to go.
The Mrs. is still going strong by the way and looking good and feeling good. Still will not give up the food. : ) baby steps I guess.
Posted by: Another Todd | 11/12/2009 at 04:27 AM
Good morning all
Atodd- my wife is the opposite. She is eating about 60%-75% Paleo and not working out. She said she has lost 10 pounds now.
Todays WOD
85 (3),95(3),115(2),135, 145, 155(ties PR but it was ugly), 155 (f) tried to get it clean but it didn't happen
The cleans were smooth all the way through and I know I had more weight to go there. It's the jerk that is not good. So as per Herm's suggestion I did 5x3 of the jerk. I did not do 80% though which would have been 124.
5x3 Jerk @ 115#s Tried maintaining total control.
All my overhead lifts are weak. OH lunges, OH squats, Jerks, presses etc
Things that make you go humph!
Something else to add to my things to work on list.
baked/broiled pollack with red sauce and onion smothered over the top. The red sauce I use I stole from the paleo pizza recipe where I use equal parts tomato paste and water and blend in oregano and basil and thyme etc
Posted by: pokey | 11/12/2009 at 07:02 AM
My cold is in full swing now :( BLAH! Hoping I feel better by wod time. C&J are not do-able with my foot though. I went tothe workers comp doc yesterday. They re x-rayed it and are ow saying i will go to a specialist monday. In the meantime they gave me a giant frankenstein boot to immobilize my foot. I told them a thousand times I can walk on it just fine, its the flexion and extension of my foot that is painful. I will give it a few days though.
Started a new challenge in my household - no cursing. I have a huge potty mouth. For about a year now I have let the girls cuss in the house so they would get it out of their systems and realize how dumb they sound. Well, times up. I presented them with the plan for all of us this morning.
Poeky - you cook the most amazing things WOW! J9 Congrats on the PR!
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1362076940 | 11/12/2009 at 07:23 AM
Cookie- we tried a quarter jar in our house for a while with the swearing. My wife and step son lost. My step daughter and I won. Despite my job I just don't swear.
The kids used the money in the end to go to the movies.
The swearing didn't stop.
Posted by: pokey | 11/12/2009 at 07:39 AM
Lunch- more pollack with the red sauce concoction. I can't get enough of red sauce.....
cauliflower, brocolli, celery, raisins, dates
water, water, water
Posted by: pokey | 11/12/2009 at 09:07 AM
Todays WOD was: 5 military press 5 push press 5 press & jerk (same wt for all) and 150 double feet jumping rope. Amrap in 20 min after we reviewed them. I did 5 rds + all 3 wts. 1st rd as rxd using 15# bar. The shoulder did not like the wtd military press. So I switched to 5# dumb bells. I'm not strong like y'all but for me to not use the PVC is huge!
Posted by: Jenn | 11/12/2009 at 09:57 AM
Paul - red sauce recipe por favor!!!
Jenn- NICE!!! You have the right perspective. Keep it up girl :-)
Posted by: Cookie | 11/12/2009 at 10:19 AM
Hey all- thanks SO much for all the prayers! I find myself thinking of each of you at various times through out the day- I know you're doin' the same.
Doc wants to repeat the tests in 2 months. I'm still spilling out protein, he doesn't know if its the tail end of the rhabdo, or...sumptin else. He didn't want to do a kidney biopsy THAK GOD- they hurt! So we're gonna wait it out. BEST news is that while I have a pos. ANA, he's pretty sure I don't have lupus, that bloodwork was inconclusive :) WHEW!
So what's crappy is that with not working out as much or as hard, and stress munching, I have gained weight. Almost 10#. Yuck. So I'm in the process of re-wiring my brain to just accept it, get back to working out 3on 1off, and hitting it regularly like I used to. My nutrition quality has been very clean, almost 100%, my cheat is half n half in coffee, that's it. I'm dumping the dairy after this weekend, to ensure I'm doing all I can.
I did KB skill work early this AM, about 15 of drills- snatch, cleans, c&J, high pull catches, catch and pops, front squats. Light weight- only 8kg KB cause I was throwing it up and catching it, wanted to stay light til I'm sure bout those moves. Good stuff! WOD this eve with Goat :)
Posted by: Strong Lil Pony! | 11/12/2009 at 10:41 AM
YES ! The Goat and Pony show is back !
Pony - Glad to hear the news. It doesn't all seem rosy, though. So, I'm guessing you are going to listen to Goat when he tells you to ease up and concentrate on technique ?
Jenn my red sauce is simply tomato paste mixed with equal part water and then add oregano, basil and thyme to taste. Sometimes I just use italian blend as it has pretty much the same things.
I finished off the departments tests today. I did 54 situps in one minute and 101 pushups (no time limit/no chest to deck so they were a lot easier). Sit and Reach was 22.5 inches. Puts me number one in the department by a long shot. But what I like is that my raw numbers are more then the 20 year olds. So they can squock all they want about the age gender bias but it doesn't matter.
Herm - The sit and reach was taken out of the state standard but my PD left them in as it is a contract negotiated item and my guys wanted it left in because it helps most of them get their four days off.
Posted by: pokey | 11/12/2009 at 11:58 AM
Suggestions Needed!
I may not do the Filthy 50 tomorrow b/c of my achilles still feeling weird.
Anyone have any suggestions on a bad *ss chipper that would be somewhat similar to the 50 in intensity?
Please don't include any type of bounding or pounding (box jumps, double-unders, running).
I was going to attempt the Games final chipper - but that has the box jumps and double-unders in it.
Thanks in advance. I'll be attempting something tomorrow in the early AM.
Posted by: J9 | 11/12/2009 at 12:33 PM
j9 - im betting Herm can come up with something for you :)
Paul - thanks for the red sauce recipe.
I have become someewhat anti social at work, so i am slowly making an attempt to make an appearance now and again. I went with a few co-workers to celebrate November birthdays mariscos style (mexican seafood). I did pretty well. I did eat a few chips, orderd the fish tacos and didnt eat the tortilla. It was kind of nice to have company during my usual lunchhour alone.
Xtina - thinking of you!!! Chin up girl!
Pony - sosososososssssooo glad to hear you are doing well. Miss you!
Cyn - where yat?
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1362076940 | 11/12/2009 at 01:33 PM
Pokey- I concur with the others- you need a new nickname :)
From the other day, daily food intake:
Half n half
Coconut oil
Prunes- what can I say LOL
Almond butter
Vit D
Fish oil
CoQ 10
Adrenal complex
Posted by: Strong Lil Pony! | 11/12/2009 at 01:49 PM
Ok so light weight I guess 115,125,135(f),130(f),125,130, 135(f)
115x3 115x5 cleans 115x3 clean and jerk
now so I am clear it does not matter where I receive the bar right? I tend to receive it high (problem getting under the bar maybe?)
Posted by: Another Todd | 11/12/2009 at 02:25 PM
I thought I posted earlier, guess not.
Worked on C&J form today and took video of myself (thanks Herm).
Posted by: Playoff Beard | 11/12/2009 at 02:55 PM
I thought I would chime in a little bit. I feel so out of place not doing the main site WODs.
Patty - I hope the specialist has an answer about your foot.
Pony - Stay strong with that cold and drink your fluids. I hope I never get another cold as long as I live. They knock me out.
I actually took a 100% rest day yesterday. I probably walked no more than 50 feet all day.
We did some 500m rowing repeats today. Man, there are some people at my gym that are catching up to me fast!
Before the gym I did some push presses in my garage to try to help overhead strength.I will be doing that almost daily. At least I got up to 185#. I am also doing a whole buch of handstand pushups with parraletts with my head touching the ground. I've been hitting the GHD pretty hard almost every day now too. Feels great.
You guys keep it up with the main site WODs.
Stay strong FRAT!
Posted by: Corey Bibolet | 11/12/2009 at 04:19 PM
Final tooth-fixing episode was today. My bad tooth has now been crowned. It is now the King of Teeth.
Still waiting for the numbness to wear off. I think I might just do the warmup today as this tooth and numb jaw has me pretty out of normal. I know I could fight through it but I can see myself biting my tongue off during a C&J without knowing it happened.
Pony, glad to hear some anxiety has been lifted from you.
Todd good to see you are well again.
Cookie you didn't mention the foot so the boot must be working?
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 11/12/2009 at 04:22 PM
No wod today - slow speed car wreck - hit a pole in a parking lot and messed up the front end of my 2009 Civic Si pretty bad. Hurricane conditions in Virginia Beach - gym closed and coulndn't make it to my buddy's garage. A huge tree branch almost fell on the car in front of me. Honestly, I think I need to step back. I'm too dependent on my WOD every day, I'm obsessed with it, depending on it for my sense of worth and security- I'm taking this cycle off - still planning on backpacking if I can get my car dropped off at the shop and pick up a rental tomorrow. I'm shook up, I feel guilty about not working out today, not doing EVA tomorrow, etc. I gotta let this stuff go, or it's gonna kill me. There's more to life, seriously friends there is. I love Crossfit-I hate it controlling me - a cycle away will do me good - forget EVA - I'll get her next year. I love you guys and I pray for you frequently
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=628153884 | 11/12/2009 at 05:12 PM
Good for you Stephen, hang in there bro :-)
Posted by: Playoff Beard | 11/12/2009 at 08:17 PM
Stephen - hang in there my friend. Praying for you. Something Herm and i say over and over we dont live to Crossfit, we Crossfit to live better.
Posted by: Cookie | 11/12/2009 at 08:51 PM
Feeling super sore in the chest, triceps, lats, and rhomboids from Cindy on Tuesday. Right hip is still bugging me, so I went super light on legs.
Warm-up: Row 2k in 8:15, PVC Shoulder Dislocates.
OHS 20kg/15 x 3 sets
FS 20kg/10 x 3 sets
SP 30kg/15 x 3 sets
Then tried a few hang power cleans and push jerks with the bar. Not ready for that movement yet. No C&J yet.
Posted by: Herm | 11/12/2009 at 09:17 PM
Stephen, that's the breaks! Keep your head up bro. Like Patty said, Crossfit to live better :)
Posted by: Herm | 11/12/2009 at 09:18 PM
I watched Burgener's videos about clean and jerk that were posted in the last week, then went into the gym and hit it. I've never really split jerked before, but I did all with split jerk tonight. My previous best clean and jerk was 180.
95-135-155-165-175-185(clean, fail jerk)-185PR!
The heaviest cleans I got under pretty well, by the time I stood up I was light headed though!
Thinking about a half-eva or 3/4 eva for tomorrow...
Posted by: Gene @ Foundry CrossFit, La Quinta, CA | 11/12/2009 at 09:24 PM
Hey Herm, thanks for always posting the supplementary work. Mainsite days like 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 do leave me wondering what else I should be doing, and your recommendations were right on the money.
C&J 135, 155, 165, 185, 195, 200, 205 (fail clean). Then split jerks 3-3-3-3-3 from the rack at 160.
Carnitas dinner: pork & salt. Butter lettuce with red peppers. Can't beat simplicity.
Posted by: Ben | 11/13/2009 at 08:02 AM