Pictured: The Goat and Pony show, without the show, thank goodness...
Olympic Lifts: Use the instructional videos on CF.com for these lifts!!!
Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
Work the technique on the Oly lifts. Use as much weight needed to keep you focused on form (65-80% of 1 rep max)
Turkish get-up 5 reps per arm, increasing the weight lifted with each rep.
After: Run 5k or retry the "Avalanche"
Post Oly lift technique flaws, TGU weight, and 5k time to comments.
Ok 3 laps or 15 miles down. My team is in 6th place overall with a total of 19 teams.
My times so far are
5 mile laps
54:00 I cramped up and had to walk for a minute on this one.
The rest of my team keeps getting mad at me for running so fast because none of them are trying to win. So I am just trying to keep us in 6th place. Alot of the other teams have this mindset as well so we actually may move up if I can run a good lap next time. It is hard to stay motivated when the rest of my team wants me to run really slow.
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=769910276 | 11/08/2009 at 07:39 PM
Save some for tomorrow's 5k Bryar! Haha.
Herm (and any other ice cream freak)- i just made paleo ice cream from Catalyst Athletics web site. 1 can of cocnut milk, 2 cups fresh fruit (I used one cup froz strawberries, 1 cup froz bananas, puree in blender, pop in freezer for an hour. I filled two coffee cups with the mixture and am now finishing my second one! It's not Ben & Jerry's Americone Dream, of Vanilla Heath Toffee Crunch, or Karamel Sutra, but, it's pretty damn tasty, cold, and 100% paleo!
I'm 8 days without sugar now... and if I can have this, I have hope for the future!
Posted by: Gene @ Foundry CrossFit, La Quinta, CA | 11/08/2009 at 08:17 PM
attaboy Bryar! you keep on keepin' on and let your teammates stay where they are (and obviously your comfort zones are a wee bit different!)
Many moons ago a woman leading a career development workshop I attended made the observation that "unused talents depress you", and that has really resonated with me ever since; if you slow down to make THEM happy, you'll end up feeling like you let yourself down... So... in the words of the Bard "to thine own self be true"!
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=839806461 | 11/08/2009 at 08:17 PM
Monday max effort pull-ups: 19
Keep going (and fast!)
Thanks for the recipe. I have been wanting to make over a frozen berry pie recipe and it sounds very similar to your creation.
Goat & Pony-
You DO exist! Miss your posts!
Happy Monday!
Posted by: J9 | 11/09/2009 at 02:41 AM
Good morning all.
J9-nice pull ups
Stephen-today is the day. Rock it !
Way to go Bryar ! Keep on rockin to your own drummer. I second what Cynthia said.
Gene. Nice Job. Keep it up.
Goat and Pony - nice pic. looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Cookie- miss you girl.
Posted by: Pokey | 11/09/2009 at 03:13 AM
Awesome, bryar! How did you guys finish???
5 AM: Run 5k
46 seconds faster than my last time
(23:29 on 10/9/09)
38 seconds slower than my PR
(22:05 on 8/14/08)
Done in the dark, my usual route around the CF Los Altos 5k route. I was gunning for the PR!!! Looks like I need additional monostructural cardiovascular conditioning.
Strength work to follow later this evening.
Posted by: Herm | 11/09/2009 at 06:28 AM
Im here and ready to go! Sorry bout the mishap. I am extremely hard on myself about certain things where I need to adopt the i dont give a ^%#@ attitude i have in other areas. But the fact is I do care, because its people I love involved.
So I regrouped, took care of sick kids for the last 4 days, got my house in order and Im ready to rock.
My foot is still not 100%. Sick kids has meant not getting to the doctor. That is the goal for the week. I feel a cold coming on as well so I started with dayquil this morning.
We are doing the 50 today. I will sub box jumps for step ups and DUs with rows. Looking forward to the suckfest!!
Herm ordered our bar and bumpers yesterday!!!!!! EXCITED!!!
Goat you look so serious in that pic!!! And there's my gurl!! I love that pic :)
New addiction... AGAVE NECTAR!!! Someone posted about banana, almond butter, raisins and agave nector - OH YEA!!! Delicious! Herm & I call each other honey, but i told him last night the agave is much sweeter som imma call him that now lol!
Cyn, Steven,PB and Pony - you are my angels - thank you for not letting me get too far down my dark hole before bringing me back!!
In other news.... Corey is coming for a visit in a few weeks!! YIPPY!! I love seeing "family". Herm&I are stoked :)
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1362076940 | 11/09/2009 at 08:38 AM
Hello everyone - I am still here after a busy weekend.
Herm and Patty - I am stoked to be visiting you guys. I will call you guys later today after work.
Had a date this weekend and she told me I am a part of a cult. More reason to see that I have to go out with a CF chick big time. They don't understand.
Bryar - That's a lot of running. Keep it up and drink those electrolytes to avoid cramps.
We did the 50 last week - 23:21 rx'd
FYI - I took an early rest day on Sat, so I did Diane (5:44 rx'd PR) and Annie (6:19 rx'd PR) back to back and a whole bunch of skill work.
Everyone stay strong!
Posted by: Corey Bibolet | 11/09/2009 at 10:19 AM
Corey- you depress me. Keep up the great work.
Posted by: Gene | 11/09/2009 at 10:57 AM
Corey - I have a nice CF chick in mind for you. Her name is Cori also :)
Posted by: Cookie | 11/09/2009 at 11:03 AM
Wow- what a suprise to see that pic! Thanks Herm.
My car won't start, so I'm waiting for tow truck- figured I'd check in via bberry :)was leaving work early to pop into NY harbor- the USS New York is allowing civilians on for tours until Wed.J9, I don't know if you're into that, but this is a big deal. After Wed, veteran's day, its off limits and off she goes. She is made from remains of the World Trade Center from 09/11. My area had many losses from 09/11 so this is poignant. www.ussnewyork.org.
Goat and I did the kettlebell cert this weekend. WOW. We learned a lot! There was a practical on the 2nd day, which while I was nervous about it, made me feel good about my technique when it was over.
CrossFit Rising is ALMOST a reality! I have insurance, sent in paperwork, paid $$$ :)and last touches on my blog are in the works. I was so down when my gym closed, that was where I was going to open! Now, I'm going to start outta my garage and just DO IT!
Tow is here. Later all!!! smooches!!!!
Posted by: Strong Lil Pony! | 11/09/2009 at 11:49 AM
Cookie's back!
Awesome times - as usual.
Tabata Something Else is on the board for tomorrow. Who had the score to beat? I know it was not too long ago it was posted. I'll have to recheck that post.
Retry the Avalanche as an option for today? Seriously?!
I got a kick out of that.
Enjoy the USS New York!
Posted by: J9 | 11/09/2009 at 06:53 PM
I did the 50 tonight... BLAH!!! Subbed box jumps with step ups to a 24" box, used #14 for the wall bal shots, almost, met pukie on the burpess (they gt me everytime) and sucked it up and did 250 rotations of jumps for double unders 34:10. Just glad i got through it!!!
Still feeling like a cold is coming on... early bed for me tonight!
Posted by: Cookie | 11/09/2009 at 07:05 PM
Welcome back Cookie!
Welcome back Goat and Pony!
Exciting stuff about Cookie and Herm's and Goat and Pony's boxes! (means I'll always have a place to workout :)
5K - 21'03" - not a PR
Interview: Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. If they want me to proceed, they will call my by the 20th. I can do nothing else now but leave it in the Lord's hands and wait. The interview was draining - all scenario questions as in "what qualifies you above other candidates?" "give us a situation where you displayed leadership" "give a situation where you experienced conflict and how you dealt with it, and what would you do differently next time?" "give us an example where you have had to follow rules and regulations carefully" "tell us about your customer service experience"
Believe me, I was sweating as much as a Crossfit WOD makes me sweat. I gave an answer for each question, just have no idea if they liked me - they didn't have a lot of facial expression or feedback.
Anyway, that's done with - so now if they call me, I'm super stoked, if not, the Lord has something else for me or is not ready for me to take the next step.
Gene: despite what Corey says to himself, he is an extremely strong, fast, and driven individual. Also, props to you for the sugar-less diet - great work on the ice cream, sounds good.
Corey, you will be spoiled rotten at Herm and Cookie's
Herm: you're doing awesome on your runs - that's a huge improvement over last time.
bryar: what to say - I hav the utmost respect for you for even signing up for this, and I have total respect and congrats to you for the awesome job in not only participating, but also COMPETING in the run. Great work brother, great work.
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=628153884 | 11/09/2009 at 07:50 PM
well we ended up placing 6th overall out of 19 teams. I ran 20 miles and my team completed 130 miles all together.
It is hard to walk today ouch.
When I do this next year I will have a much better plan for rest periods.
Thank you all for the support and the advice it helped.
This is my battalions facebook page. It has pictures and some info on the run
Posted by: bryar25/70"/180 | 11/09/2009 at 11:06 PM