Here is an excellent piece written by our own Strong Lil Pony at CF Rising:
Lots of people talk about CrossFit not being "enough". They like to incorporate "extra" or supplemental work into their WOD. Depending on their goals, their weaknesses, etc, they devote extra time to work on olympic lifts, strength work, endurance etc. After much reflection I believe that I need to start scheduling in supplemental work in order to optimize my performance. The area most lacking? Balance. By that I mean actively working on evening out the seesaw effect that CrossFit has on my life. Mental CF overload. I realized this week that I was deep into CF OL and it was NOT a good thing. CF was seeping into every aspect of my life, and in the recent weeks, my zeal to finish building the gym effectively made me not want to do any of my usual "be good to me" stuff. Non CF activities were impossible to take care of. This created so much tension between Jack and me, it was starting to eclipse our goals. I felt I couldn't spare any time to do other activities, and any free time was spent blogging, posting, emailing, reading CF Journal etc. Life was not fun. The Magna Carta saved the day. I had planned on going into the city with Jack and NIna anyway, but later in the month and not really with any kind of theme. I just thought a fancy dinner with lots of window shopping, nice enough, right? Then, the light bulbs started. Fraunces Tavern in Battery Park would be perfect. Jack loves history and politics, and the tavern is rife with history from the Revolution. I checked out site to remember where it was, I hadn't been there in ages, and then themuseum upstairs Good God y'all! The Magna Carta was there!! On loan from the Lincoln Cathedral in England, this cherished document is only one of the FOUR remaining relics of the estimated 40 that were scribed back in 1215. Yes you read that correctly. 1215. Hmmmmm, I thought. That would make a nice afternoon, lunch and then museum. I pictured us walking around Battery Park, around Wall St, and then again inspiration struck. A walking tour. It would add to the history theme, so I booked us for next Saturday, a 2.5 hour excursion through lower Manhattan, showing us important sites and the accompanying stories from the Revolutionary War era. I didn't do it this weekend because I thought it would too long of a day for Nina, and this is really Jack's present. Lunch was outstanding, and it was very easy to envision our founding fathers gathered there, drinking from pewter tankards, chowing down on, carrying on- discussing, debating, plotting and planning. And upstairs, It was a fascinating exhibit. Jack was clearly pleased, which made me even happier. He is so passionate about politics and it was great to have conversations at length which did not even go near crossfit or paleo or the gym. I love American history, and I love museums. I consider myself very fortunate to have been to all the major ones in Manhattan several times as well as going to Central Park for various events, concerts, theater, Shakespeare, etc. I have not engaged in any of these passions in so long. I realize now, while writing this, that I went to just one museum this year, and only once to Central Park. That's a shame. I was so happy yesterday, walking around, taking in the familiar sights and sounds, the traffic, the parking, the hustle and bustle that I love. Jack said he hadn't seen me smile so often in quite a while. I've been gone far too long- there is something magical about the City that enlivens me. I need to be good to myself and do things that make me happy, that don't involve CF. I can't wait for next Saturday. Our tour is at 1pm. All we need is warm gloves and hats and we are ready. So where does this fit with my CrossFit Balance Bias? Well, just like "real" bias training, I need to write down and schedule what I need to do to stabilized my life so it is not so one-sided and when I will incorporate them into life. Reiki needs to be done daily. It takes 15 minutes, early morning or late evening is best. Yoga I would love to do daily again, but at this time, I will settle for twice weekly. Walking- I used to walk outside an hour almost every day. That hasn't happened in ages. I have started walking an hour on rest days and my mood is definitely improved after these long quiet walks. Reading- biographies, cookbooks, the newspaper! Anything non CF. Watching movies, doing crossword and sudoku puzzles are also fun. Going out to see live music is another favorite. I suppose I could lament the fact that I have to schedule in "fun" time but it is what it is. Other box owners, or people in relationships with a CrossFitter know exactly what I'm talking about. Any one else feel the need to achieve balance in the CF lifestyle? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HERM'S MODIFICATION TO THE WOD: OVERLOAD THIS WOD! POWER CLEAN 3-3-3-3-3 (HEAVY!) SPLIT JERK 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (HEAVY!) DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS 10-10-10 (moderate weight) BENT OVER ROW 4 sets of 8 reps (light and strict, slow reps) _________________________________________ Herm and Patty's 1 year anniversary WOD: Shoulder Press 1-1-1-1-1 Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 To celebrate my and Patty's 1 year anniversary, I'm doing the workout I taught Patty the day we met. Yes, it was a gym date! And I taught her how to lift overhead! :) ...and you thought it was my favorite workout because I like to lift overhead...CrossFit Overload
Pictured: Patty and I about 3 weeks after we met. We still smile like that!
You and Cookie are so cute! Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary! It's awesome when you meet someone who compliments you and the ability to bring out the best in the other person.
I don't own my own gym, but I definitely understand your feelings of CF overload. I think about it all the time. I feel panicked when I can't get a workout in and I'm constantly reading everything I can about it. I will def have to find that balance next semester when I'm teaching all day, creating lesson plans, grading, and then still making sure I give Diego the time and attention he needs. I'm already scared and overwhelmed!
Posted by: Xtina | 12/06/2009 at 06:02 PM
Awesome post Pony, and congratulations Cookie & Herm ;)
Posted by: | 12/06/2009 at 06:10 PM
Thank you for putting into words what I think (I know)I may have been experiencing! And a good follow-up to the conversation we at at CF Montclair on: do days without mention of CF exist?!
I was drunk on the Kool Aid from day 1 of learning about CF. Obsessed.
So many decisions now on a daily basis - do I do what is on the board at the Shed? Follow the main site? Follow what is posted on this site? If only I could WOD 3 times a day - I have often thought - then I would feel as though I am not missing out on anything.
I work from home, but still am in some sort of RedShed/CF logo gear everyday - they are my comfy work clothes!!!
With my husband mainly running the Affiliate - we don't have too many non-CF conversations.
My oldest (4 years old) can now spell out RedShed CrossFit from memory and my youngest (18 months old) associates our logo with Da-da. Whenever she sees a t-shirt or sweatshirt, she will say Da-da (she just knows that is his job).
I have anxiety on rest days in not wanting to just accept a day of good-earned rest.
Do I have CF Overload? You bet! But is hasn't been until now that I recognize it. I love this stuff, but I think I need to take a good hard look at what is important to me at this point and put aside the competition factor and do what is going to get ME to reaching the goals that I have set.
Thanks Pony, for being the one to bring this out into the light.
Herm & Patty-
Yeah 1 year!
Dave Castro in the CFJ for your viewing pleasure.
Rock On!
I will still be getting up at the crack of dawn tomorrow AM to get my WOD in - but I will have a different perspective!
Posted by: J9 | 12/06/2009 at 06:44 PM
I hate not being able to go online every day. By the time I get caught up with all the reading from several days, I totally forget who said what when!
Stephen- Woo Hoo on the job. WTG! We knew you could do it!
Xtina- don't worry about the guy or the budding relationship, because most likely he's the one with issues, not you. In being a single parent for 14+ years, I was constantly trying to figure out "whats wrong with me" that nobody wanted me. In retrospect I can see now that the guys who rejected me had lots of issues that had absolutely nothing to do with me, and I am better off without them (and their issues). You are too. Believe me when I tell you, there are worse things than not having a man in your life. When you don't have one, it feels like its just you against the world, and that gets overwhelming. But needing a man, and wanting one are two different things. You don't need one, you just want one, and thats totally healthy. Stay healthy and eventually your path will cross with a healthy guy who recognizes that in you! Regardless of how CF this guy may be, he isn't healthy (because he is currently acting like a jerk by ignoring you). [well, that's my $0.02 anyway.]
Pony- tried to call you- no service :(
as to the zone, if you use Dr. Sears eye-hand method...lean protein the size of your palm, other 2/3 of plate w/fruits/veggies, sprinkle nuts over all...every meal will be properly zoned without all the weighing/measuring. Really, the only difference w/Paleo is that on the zone, you can't just eat an apple. On the zone, you have to eat protein, fruits/veggies, and nuts every time you put something into your mouth to "stay in the zone".
still struggling with wods. can't seem to make it past the cfwu!
Posted by: Kathleen | 12/06/2009 at 07:25 PM
Kathleen - prayed for you.
Pony - Awesome post - you are so right, and J9-i've just started to realize in the past couple months too, though it took some friends to point it out.
Honestly, I think I agree with the jist of what Dave Castro was saying, that's basically what I meant in my post for Sunday - if 95% of the population would just eat whole wheat bread, take a brisk walk, have dessert 3 times a week instead of daily, get their kids involved in sports, quit eating out, start eating fruits and veggies, do some pushups and situps, - just SOMETHING, our society would be much better off. The total apapthy towards health and welness is what amazes me.
Posted by: | 12/06/2009 at 07:51 PM
Happy Anniversary Herm & Patty!! What an awesome way to meet :) Match made in heaven if ya ask me!
Posted by: Eric Gohl | 12/06/2009 at 09:34 PM
Pony - I loved the article :) Commented on your blog.
Stephen loved your last line and so agree!
Kathleen - one day at a time mama!
j9 - Herm and I seriously have to make it a point NOT to talk about CF sometimes. I will be driving up to bring him HOME (here) soon and we quickly pondered and squashed the idea of stopping at an affiliate. I want us to take in the beautiful drive and enjoy the journey that is the beginning of the next part for us :)
Thanks for the well wishes. I adore this man more than words. Sometimes I dont feel worthy of this person who justloves me no matter what, who supports me and takes care of me, when Im not so bright and shiney, but then I say why wouldnt I deserve the best? Why not me?? He truly is and I thank God for him in my life every day :) Olive juice!!
Posted by: | 12/06/2009 at 09:40 PM
Monday max effort pull-ups: another week at 21.
Here's to the start of another great week!
Posted by: J9 | 12/07/2009 at 02:40 AM
Herm and Patti - congrats. That is awesome.
Pony- You have a knack for writing. I look forward to reading your posts.
The above conversations remind me of another favorite quote, "What's important in life, is realizing what's important."
I had written a long post but when I reviewed it was a lot of babbling to get around to what Pony so eloquently said, "Balance".
Posted by: Pokey | 12/07/2009 at 02:52 AM
Paul - nice pics. Why are your spaces so neat and orderly ?
Stephen - I answered your question at the end of yesterday's post.
Posted by: Pokey | 12/07/2009 at 03:07 AM
Herm & Patti congrats on the anniversary.
Pony- great post. I think this lifestyle does consume us. I believe we all want to open a box, eat strict paleo, do RXed WODs etc. and to do all of that it take a LOT of time and focus. I know it consumes me.
My wife is struggling with the Paleo diet. So much so that she is getting mad at me for "putting her on it". She wants to eat everything but has not.
We got some great fresh deer meat from my neighbors the other day. My boys liked it a lot even though they saw the "poor" deer in the back of the truck just days ago.
Posted by: Another Todd | 12/07/2009 at 04:20 AM
Stephen, I suspect the apathy towards fitness is a result of failed efforts, which are in turn a result of poor information. I know that my apathy was caused by this. I couldn't lose weight, I wasn't getting strong, even though I worked hard and ate (what I thought was) well, and I just thought, "I can get these results sitting on my ass, so why not?"
I think providing people with the right information and then getting them to try it for a few weeks would result in a noticable movement towards their goals, and a whole lot less apathy. However, this has to be done one client at a time.
Posted by: Goat | 12/07/2009 at 05:17 AM
Goat - nailed it ! I trained and ate "normal" triathlon methods for 12 years and was in good condition (for triathlons). But I never lost my fat. I began Paleo after crossfitting for several months and WHAM ! Most of my ring around the middle was gone.
Herm and Goat - I am asking for books for Christmas as they are cheap and easy. I would like to add to my training collection. I have Rippetoes Starting Strength listed (should I go for first or second edition or both ?) What other ones should be in my library?
Posted by: pokey | 12/07/2009 at 07:20 AM
Nice Zone vs. Paleo discussion on the Journal
Posted by: Another Todd | 12/07/2009 at 08:34 AM
Pokey, it took me weeks to get the garage cleaned up to make space to work out and be able to get the car in to. That orderliness won't last long.
The basement pic only shows half the room. The other half is a giant pile of legos and other toys. When it encroaches into the workout area I scoop it onto the other side.
If anything at all is on the workout area floor I know I'm going to step or trip on it, so I keep a safe zone around it.
Plus I'm slightly OCD.
Posted by: Paul Casimir | 12/07/2009 at 09:38 AM
pokey, i replied with my book list but it got lost in the system somewhere. i bashed myself with a hammer in the mean time and it hurts to type.
herm, where did my post go?!?!?!?!?
Posted by: Goat | 12/07/2009 at 10:28 AM
I am soooooore today!!! Last night i did 20 rounds of:
5 pushups 10 situps and 15 bw squats 20:15 last time was 23 minutes and some change so it was a good one!
Herm went to the Mark Sisson (Marks Daily Apple) lcture last night so Im anxious to hear about it.
Posted by: Cookie | 12/07/2009 at 10:35 AM
Goat - sometimes I hit the preview and forget to hit the post - Otherwise, I'll wait for the aliens from cyberspace to finish with it.
Posted by: pokey | 12/07/2009 at 02:52 PM
I did a clean and jerk today still no rack in the garage. 95-145 followed each set by a set of bent over rows with the same weight. The Mrs did a modified Lumberjack without the DLS and other lifts. She killed it of course but is paying for it now. She is wore out.
Posted by: Another Todd | 12/07/2009 at 05:59 PM
Pokey: excellent description of God and Jesus yesterday.
ATodd: nice work on the wod, your wife too. Also, I am jealous of the venison.
Goat: sorry to hear about your finger.
J9: nice work on the pullups.
I did the WOD with my buddy's wife-my buddy overslept on his nap. She watched the videos from the mainsite, then I showed her how to do the spit jerk. She nailed it.
I did the same as last time and maxed at 125. I had to drop down to 115 for set 4 -6, then back up to 120 for the last set. That's all I did today, plus one max-effort pullup attempt - 21 without stopping, 31 before I came off the bar.(How are you supposed to count a max-effort on pullups - continual motion, or coming off the bar?)
That's all, God Bless
Posted by: | 12/07/2009 at 06:14 PM
Cookie- yeh for the bw WO. I LOVE them (now). Sorry you're sore.
I am very jealous of those scoring different meats. Lucky bastards. Lol
I have a confession to make. I haven't had one in years. I was in LAX on Sunday -yikes it was forever ago- and our gate is near the Cinnabun . Without thinking I allowed my bags to pull me in there and order an original with extra frosting. Sadly and as usual it smelled better than it tasted. :hanging head: what a waste of a cheat.
I started doing the beginner Krav class but it was dangerously crowded so I joined the XF WO. I only did the last half of 30-25-20-15-10-5 of: pullups situps box jumps. Felt good even tho I was exhausted (sleeping from 4am-10am) does that).
I've read some of the CFJ Part 4 and am concerned. Back story: I had started researching Zone (measuring food?!?) when this challenge was mentioned. Paleo has made sense to me - I've always hated prepackaged food, chemicals, etc that makes up most Americans meals. The idea of eating all natural food, like our ancestors, appealed to me on a primal level. So I joined this - albeit not as great as y'all but I have done my best. Same with working out - I do my best to get something in most days (Krav, a real XF WO, good ol walking, hiking) but it's not the real WOs y'all do. After reading the back & forth in the comments I'm a bit worried that I am fooling myself in this.
Sorry for the ramble and not making much sense. There
Posted by: Jenn | 12/07/2009 at 08:54 PM
Too funny about the was your bags!!!
Did the 15/1-1/15 push-up/sit-up as a bonus WOD. I think it was PB's??? And I think I did the right format???
Anyway, I think I did the round of 5 reps of push-ups twice. Counting like that gets confusing!!!
Happy tuesday!
Posted by: J9 | 12/08/2009 at 02:43 AM